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Why Facebook ads are ruining Christmas

So this year was the first year I was not going to look for any of my Christmas presents.
And with it being the first year of living with your other half in a one bedroom flat, its safe to say its been difficult.
Nevertheless I have resisted the temptation!
But then Facebook ruined everything.
Facebook ads now basically give you a full run through of all the gifts you've searched for or bought. Meaning if your sat next to your other half and that thing on your Christmas list just so happens to be an ad on their Facebook, you know he's got it.
So annoying!
So now i'm sat acting like a suspicious, paranoid woman clearing all my history and cookies or quickly closing down Facebook as soon as he enters the room...
So to summarise; Facebook ads have taken away the Christmas magic and probably introduced trust issues into my relationship! ... cheers Mark
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Okay fine, maybe i just sit and google puppies. Guillllllty!